If you are feeling disconnected from yourself, stuck in a place where you miss feeling joyful, engaged, energetic, and just like a bit of a "Hot Mess" I offer 1:1 coaching where we can identify what is keeping you stuck. We dedicate 12 sessions to the tools that help you overcome your own personal obstacles.
I am also thrilled to announce that if your goals feel more directly tied to your physical health surrounding female specific challenges where you might have heard 'it's just part of aging' I can help there too! Through a partnership with Louise Valentine, owner of Breaking Through Wellness, and the 2023 American College of Sports Medicine Practitioner of the Year, I will coach you in a cutting edge, easy to apply, program designed to break down that wall.

Meet Amy
I received my training from the The Institute for Integrative Nutrition and ISSA, but also, the school of life! I could talk about my certifications and all that, but I want you to know me, because if you see any of your story in mine, then I know I'm meant to help you. I'll be honest with you, I'm a stay at home Mom, with 87 side hustles, and one day someone asked 'How are you?' and when I answered I realized no where in my answer did I mention ME. I mentioned my husband, my kids, heck, I might have mentioned a neighbor or 2 for all I know, but I had no me in there. That moment hit me like a ton of bricks. I realized I had begun living in support of others, and forgot to support myself as an individual along the way. And it felt yucky to realize that. I also realized that my go to workouts weren't producing the same results and the ways I used to manage stress didn't seem to be as effective. It was time to adjust my approach and realign my health!
Certified Health and Wellness Coach
Certified Personal Trainer